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Success Stories inspire people...

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INFORMATION under European Regulation 2016/679 protection of privacy

In accordance with article 13 - 14 of the European Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter "GDPR") we inform you that Datasensing S.r.l., with registered office in Strada S.Caterina, 235, as Data Controller, processes your data to respond to your requests on Datasensing S.r.l. products and/or services, and (subject to your consent) for the sending of commercial and advertising information concerning information messages and promotional communications relating to the activities and/or services of Datasensing S.r.l. (e.g. mail, newsletters, sending advertising sms and mms), in full compliance with the principles of lawfulness and correctness and the provisions of the law. Your personal data will be processed manually, electronically and/or telematically, through the use of automated call tools. Each treatment takes place in compliance with the methods indicated in Articles. 6, 32 of the GDPR, and by adopting the appropriate security measures provided. The provision of your personal data is always optional, however – in the absence of the data marked as "mandatory" in the above form – it will not be possible to respond to your requests. Your data will be stored by the Data Controller and at the external provider, processed by categories of personnel authorised to process personal data (to find out about the categories, contact the Data Controller), communicated externally only if it is necessary to respond to your requests and will not be disseminated. Furthermore, your data may also be viewed by the company that manages the website limited to technical access for maintenance and management needs of the web server. We point out that, in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation and data minimisation, pursuant to art. 5 of the GDPR, the retention period of your personal data is established for a period of time not exceeding the completion of the services provided, and in any case, no later than 24 months. You have the right to obtain from the owner the cancellation (right to be forgotten), limitation, updating, rectification, portability, opposition to the processing of personal data concerning you, as well as being able in general to exercise all the rights provided. by articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 of the GDPR

Data controller: Datasensing S.r.l. Strada S.Caterina, 235 41122 Modena (MO).