LD46 luminiscence sensor ultra-violet emission for non plus ultra detection

Datasensing LD46 Luminescence sensors emit ultraviolet (UV) light and receive visible light reflected from luminescent surfaces. This allows the detection of invisible fluorescent marks or parts on any object independent of its material, color or distance. Luminescence sensors can be used in many different applications: pharmaceutical and cosmetics they can detect labels on glass vials or bottles and packaging films; woodworking and ceramic tiles production to check invisible luminescent selection marks; textiles, or paper and printing, to detect fluorescent glues and cutting guides;automotive to check the presence of fluorescent paints, lubricants, gaskets or fittings. The high power UV emission of the LD46 can detect critical targets with non-homogeneous or low luminescence, such as marks on wood, corrugated, fabrics or ceramics.

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